ภาพโดย Michaela Loheit

Flowers and Care

Everybody likes to be thought of. Receiving a flower delivery for most people is a real enjoyment cause it symbolizes love and kindness from others. It was thought of the recipients. Therefore, the flowers should be treated well, so the recipients have the most of it. Flower care is important and not difficult.

Tips on how to treat and care for fresh flowers

Believe it or not, it starts with the vase. If you got some fresh flowers, make sure to put it in a clean jar. Sometimes a built of bacteria is sitting in a dirty pot and destroys the life of flowers. Take a sponge and dishwasher detergent, clean and rinse the vase before using it.

Before arranging the flowers, cutting the stems is vital.

  • soft stem flowers, cut even (tulip, gerbera, gladiola)
  • hard stem flowers, cut at an angle (sunflower, lily, rose)
  • branches, peel off the bark on the end and broaden with a hammer (lilac, hydrangea, forsythia)
  • stems with latex, put ends in hot water and burn it to congeal (poppy, blue bell)

In general flowers like lukewarm, lime-deficient water. Vinegar and lemon juice are helping with that. Leaves of flowers should not be in contact with water due decomposing. Most flower shops send preservative powder with every delivery which prevents bacteria built up. A pinch of sugar does the trick as well.

Many flower delivery shops keep houseplants in stock. It can be a long lasting gift when treated well at home. Plants are becoming increasingly popular to sent as gifts.

Tips on how to treat and care for indoor plants

There are two types of houseplants, the green plants, and the flowering plants.

green plants:

  • evergreen leaves
  • easy to maintain
  • important are room temperature and the standing place

flowering plants:

  • flourish the whole year
  • need adequate water supply

In general, avoid water logging. Otherwise, roots can die off quickly. Dust off leaves regularly; plants can breathe better. Remove dry leaves and blossom, due bacteria built up on there. Fertilize the flowers well. Less is more. The kind of fertilizer depends on the plant. There are also some house recipes, including coffee ground or potato cooking water for fertilization.

Repot indoor plants every two years. Roots are growing and need a bigger pot for that matter to unfold fully.